Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Knowing When You Need Assistance

Many self-employed entrepreneurs have questions about hiring help. You may be sure that it is time to get some assistance with your business, or you may be in denial about it. Some people are a little overconfident, and tend to take on more than they can really handle. Maybe you are able to admit that you need to get someone else on board to help you with your business operations, but you don’t feel that you can afford it. The biggest concern is usually the amount of help that hiring someone will cost, but it could end up being the wisest investment you have ever made.

How Much Help Do You Really Need?

As your company begins to grow and the number of clients you take on increases, you need to determine what tasks you can delegate to make sure things continue to run smoothly. Would you be willing to let someone else handle your customer service, bookkeeping, copy-writing, research, data organization or other responsibilities? Naturally, you’ll want to select the most cost effective solution based on your needs. Hiring too mush help would be a waste of resources, and not hiring enough help can leave you still feeling overwhelmed and overworked.

If you are drowning in work, and there is a consistent need for help, you may need to hire an employee, at least part-time. This will be someone that you can expect to dedicate at least a certain number of hours every week to manage some part of your business, so that you can be free to stay on top of other things. You can also trust them with additional work if you need to take time off.

If your company has grown exponentially, getting a business partner to divide company operations with could help. A business partner will invest in the company and have a say in important decisions. This can take some of the pressure off of you and won’t necessary cost you as much as a full-time employee. A business partner may share in the profits, but with them on board, your profits are likely to increase anyway.

It may not be necessary to sign on an official business partner to take on half of your business operations, per se, but starting with a virtual assistant may be a step in the right direction. This is a low cost option that can provide the assistance that you need. Virtual assistants don’t have to work for you all of the time, as an employee would. They can be on call when you need them, and you only have to pay for the productive time during which your virtual assistant produces results. This is an excellent choice if your budget is tight and/or you don’t need full-time help every week.

Consider the Benefits of Hiring Help

Hiring help is often a wise investment. With assistance, you can do so much more than you could otherwise do on your own. A virtual assistant, business partner, or an employee can pay for themselves and more is you utilize them wisely. More help can mean more clients, and more clients means more profits for you.


Anonymous said...

Hiring a Virtual Assitant is the way to go with your business.When you hire a enployee than you would be paying them even when they are not working. When you hire a VA it could be the most cost effective way to go.You only pay for time it takes to complete a project.

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