Friday, April 4, 2014

On The Horizon

Changes on The Horizon 
Hess Business Professionals & Associates LLC
Press Release (4/4/2014) Written by Diane Hess

Over the last six months, I've taken a step back from marketing and running the company I worked so hard at developing. I took a personal hit from the choices made by prior associates, and learned that "not all people have your best interest in mind".  Really a sad realization. Those who know me understand that I would always conduct business with my client's best interest in mind, regardless. 

April of 2014 is the month of change!  I've had the much needed time to regroup and step back out into this lovely virtual realm of business. The changes will be at a moderate pace, but the company will prevail. 

I am looking forward to redirecting business to my subsidiary - DBA Diane Hess Associates.  As a client, you will continue to receive the same service guarantee of "excellence".  All services provided are set to be reviewed, discarded if non-productive, and redesigned.  

When life gives you a bowl of lemons, make a spiked lemonade and enjoy the ride!

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