Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Virtual Office: Is your company staying in-touch with today’s technology?

With all of the technical gadgets available to business professionals, I am surprised that more industries are not pursing the benefits of a virtual office. The expanded technology platform of web, email, fax, and phone can be used to create a very powerful virtual executive service team to enable business success. Best of all, these services are available without the usual expenses associated with hiring and training new people.

Technology today allows us to access any type of information from any place across the globe. From email communications to browsing the web, we are a society that feeds off of what technology has to offer us. Why then, would it not make sense to transition how you do business to the virtual office environment? If it is the human element you are concerned about, don’t be. The human element of face-to-face communication is still possible with an upgrade to web cams and webinar subscriptions.

Exploring Virtual Services

A virtual service is a service performed by a person or firm whom you may never meet in person, but can communicate with on demand by phone, instant messenger, or email. Solo entrepreneurs who use a virtual service gain access to talent that is tailored to suit their business needs that would otherwise be unaffordable if the service was performed on-site.

Examples of virtual services include but are not limited to the following:

· Administrative support
· Automated bookkeeping / accounting
· Business consulting & development
· Back office work
· E-commerce support
· E-learning
· Ghostwriter
· Graphic design
· Web hosting
· Web development
· Web copy
· And the list goes on.

Just about any service you can think of that is necessary to operate your business can be provided virtually, including customer service.

Technical Benefit to a Virtual Team

More than ever before, your business needs an edge to stay alive. Positioning your business in the main stream of technology may just be that edge. Perhaps you’ve had to lay off office personnel and that is hurting your business because you have no one to monitor the phones, or shipping and receiving is cut back to once a week and your sales have suffered. A virtual office team is just what you need.

Every aspect of your business can be handled by a team of virtual professionals, making the sale of your services and products a priority. No longer do you have a collection of vendors to track or employee benefits to pay; instead, you have a trained team of experts on board that help you streamline your business activities to give you more time to pursue profitable business endeavors.

If you invest in a virtual executive service team like Hess Business Professionals & Associates, you will have a team of trained experts at your finger tips who have more than a decade of ongoing experience in project management, team leadership, email communications, e-commerce back office support, remote bookkeeping, and so much more. All for an affordable rate!

Our associates keep your business operating in the main stream of technology.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A virtual office is an excellent alternative which can save up to 78% of the cost of traditional office services. I am also running a small business using this facility by valleyhq I am very satisfied and feel like I am able to increase my business now.